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Monday 4/3/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break. Whether you’re going somewhere or just staying locally, please be safe and respectful in what you do. Now for those of you that are available to come to tomorrow’s meeting, we’re having a Scout game night. Please bring any card games or board games of your choice and lets have ourselves a night of fun. For those of you that play UNO, UNO has confirmed this week that +4 and +2 cards CANNOT be stacked; so keep that in mind the next time you play.

Also, for any of you that have additional pork butt tickets, tomorrow is the LAST DAY to submit them along with the payment. We just placed our order for the pork butts this past Friday, but can still make some last minute adjustments to the numbers if any tickets are submitted. So please bring that over TOMORROW.

As we look at ahead at the next couple of months, we have some administrative items that need to be address so that we can be ready for several of our upcoming events. The top 3 items that come to mind are:

1. Medical forms for Scouts and Leaders. As stated in past emails, parts A, B1, and B2 are essential for weekend trips. Part C is needed for Summer Camp. Without an updated form, neither Scout or Leader will be admitted, even if you have paid your registration. I will send a follow up email on this.
2. Clemson Liability form. Also stated in past emails, the Clemson Merit Badge University event is in 2 weeks. You will not be checked in if you do not have your liability form ready. You don’t need to provide it to me, just have it handy when you arrive. I will still like to know who has register for this event.
3. Summer Camp dietary and allergy form. So far only 1 Scout has provided me with this form. This form is for the summer camp staff so that they know what meals to prepare for your Scout and alert their medical staff of any conditions that need to be on standby for.

Finally, let me take this moment to congratulate Tony, Finn, and Stephen for completing their National Youth Leadership Training program (NYLT). This was a 2 weekend event in our GOLS facility over by Glendale, SC. I am very proud of their accomplishments and I look forward to hearing their feedback.

Lets look ahead at what is coming up:

1. As stated above, remaining pork butt tickets and payments need to be submitted TOMORROW.
2. Our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be next weekend from Friday into Saturday. I will send the pre-event email later in the week.
3. Spring Camporee will be at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC from April 14th to the 16th. Registration is now close. Pre-event email will be send next week, but (as a heads up) you can expect the usual communication as in past weekend campouts.
4. Clemson Merit Badge day is happening on April 15th. Please note that you need to bring with you the attached liability form to be checked in and you need to make sure you have done any merit badge prerequisites BEFORE showing up. If you don’t know if you have any prerequisites to work on, please see me.
5. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
6. Joshua Bernal has his Eagle project schedule for April 22nd to the 23rd at Indian Land High School. Sign up sheet is up for anyone that wants to help out.
7. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheet is up as well.
8. As stated in my 3/29 email, we have 2 exciting events coming up with the Kannapolis Cannonballers night and the Patriot’s Point Trip. Sign up sheets for both events will be up. Payment for the baseball game will be due on 5/1.
9. If any Scout is ready to go up in rank, please come ready tomorrow for a Scoutmaster Conference. We will determine tomorrow if the next committee meeting will be this week or next week, given the spring break.

Again, I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break. Enjoy yourselves and come ready to help us out next weekend at our pork butt fundraising event. As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 3/27/23 Court of Honor

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is excited about tomorrow’s Court of Honor. As stated in my last email, Arrowhead, Flaming Fox, and Wolves patrols can bring in finger food, Golden Eagles can bring in desserts, and leaders can provide drinks. We’re looking at a 6:45pm arrival time in order to set everything up and then get started. All Scouts need to be in FULL uniform with sash (as long as the sash has merit badges). Scouts that are unable to make it tomorrow, will receive their awards the following Monday.

Also, tomorrow is the deadline for the remaining summer camp balance. At this point 85% of the Scouts have paid. When you arrive, please provide all payments to Mr. Joe.

Lets look ahead at what is coming up:

1. Our first Court of Honor of the year has been schedule for TOMORROW.
2. Again, summer camp payment is due TOMORROW.
3. Any unsold Pork Butt tickets as well as monies collected and ticket stubs from sales you have made are due tomorrow. Scouts that want to sell, but cannot find customers, can talk to Nolan in the troop who has customers on standby. At the end of our event tomorrow, we will make all remaining unsold tickets to everyone for a free for all.
4. As recently stated, our next campout is Spring Camporee at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC. The dates are from April 14th to the 16th for $35. Payment is due by April 3rd. Sign up sheet is already up. Money can be given to Mr. Joe for this.
5. For those that register for the Clemson Merit Badge day, that event is happening on April 15th. Please note that you need to bring with you the form I provided last week to be checked in.
6. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
7. Joshua Bernal just announced that his Eagle project will be at Indian Land High School from April 23rd to the 24th. Sign up sheet is already up for anyone that wants to help out.
8. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheet is up as well.
9. Look later in this week for an email from me about our 2 unique campouts for the year which is the Cannonballers baseball game and the Patriot’s Point weekend trip.

Families please join us tomorrow to celebrate your Scout’s achievements. As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or text at (917) 856-1720.

Monday 3/20/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this weekend and have gone out to sell those pork butt tickets. Tomorrow we’re looking to collect ticket stubs and the corresponding money and will issue out more tickets to all interested Scouts. As a reminder, your Scout’s efforts will help raise money that will go into their Scout account which will help offset any of your cost towards our upcoming activities such as spring camporee, summer camp, and many more. Tomorrow we will also be sorting and cutting up flags in preparation to retire them during our pork butt event.

Now in preparation for our next Court of Honor, this past Monday we asked all Scouts to submit any completed merit badge blue cards, special award forms, and ranking forms by TODAY as our order form needs to go out so we can be ready on time. Anything that I do not receive by TODAY, will be awarded at our 2nd Court of Honor of the year which will be some time around August. (Note that ranking patches will be the exception to the rule).

Lets look ahead at what is coming up:

1. Our first Court of Honor of the year has been schedule for March 27th. Please make sure that I receive any pending paperwork by TODAY.
2. Payment for Summer Camp is due by March 30th. At this point I have 25 Scouts attending and only 6 have fully paid; that’s 24% of our attendees. I know we can do better than that, so please start bringing in your payment because we still have plenty of logistics to address.
3. The second weekend of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is next weekend. Scouts that attended this weekend need to make sure they attend the 2nd weekend in order to get full credit. Also, please bring back your medical forms at the completion of the program.
4. As stated above, our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be from April 7th to April 8th. Tickets are being handed out at $40 each for Scouts to distribute. If you want to participate, but do not know who to sell to, we have several Eagle Scouts that are willing to pass on their customers to help out other Scouts. Sign up sheet is up on the board.
5. As recently stated, our next campout is Spring Camporee at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC. The dates are from April 14th to the 16th for $35. Payment is due by April 3rd. Sign up sheet is already up.
6. For those that register for the Clemson Merit Badge day, that event is happening on April 15th. Please note that you need to bring with you the attached liability form to be checked in. There are over 150 Scouts attending this event, so please come prepare and make sure you have done any merit badge prerequisites BEFORE showing up.
7. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
8. Joshua Bernal just announced this past week that his Eagle project will be at Indian Land High School from April 23rd to the 24th. Sign up sheet will be up tomorrow for anyone that wants to help out.
9. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheet will be up tomorrow as well.

So why did we have such a light month of Scouting activities for the month of March? Well I hope you can all see that it is because we have A LOT coming up. In some cases, there is an overlap so each Scout needs to be strategic about which events to participate in.

As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 3/13/23

Good evening everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone for their efforts this weekend in coming out on our first roadside cleanup on the year. Thanks to all your hard work we managed to collect 45 bags of trash and 5 bags of aluminum cans. Great job everyone!!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate Cannon Robinson and Carson Burke for reaching the rank of Tenderfoot at this month’s committee meeting.

Tomorrow we will be going over rank advancements. Scouts in the Arrowheads and Flaming Foxes patrol should come ready to address many of their outstanding requirements. Scouts in the Golden Eagles and Wolves patrol should come ready to help as well as ready to discuss their Troop position responsibilities with our leadership.

1. As stated last week, we’re already gearing up for our next campout which is Spring Camporee at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC. The dates are from April 14th to the 16th for $35. Sign up sheet is already up.
2. As a reminder, the remaining balance for Summer Camp is due on March 30th. After March 30th there’s a late fee that will be issued by the campsite which you will be responsible for. We have 23 Scouts attending and only 2 have fully paid for everything.
3. The first weekend of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is next weekend. Scouts whom are eligible for this event will need to bring with them their medical form. So far only 1 Scout has asked me for this. Please make sure you come tomorrow to get the one we have on file. Also, if you need a tent, please let us know.
4. Our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be from April 7th to April 8th. There will be a sheet tomorrow for Scouts to sign up so that they can help. We will also be handing out tickets to each Scouts. In the event that we have extra ones, we will hand those over the following week on a first come first serve basis, but you need to first sell all the ones we hand over to you and bring the money back first before requesting more tickets. I will get a confirmation on the price tomorrow, but we are aiming to be somewhere in the high $30s to mid $40s.
5. Our first Court of Honor of the year is coming up. We will be announcing the date very shortly, so anyone who has ranking or merit badge requirements to wrap up, please make sure you bring that to a close over the next week or so.
6. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
7. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date.

Lastly, if you haven’t joined our Facebook page, please do so, we have some amazing pictures of all of our events. I also recently activated a chat feature where you can easily drop a quick questions for the group to see and know about. Still, I will emphasize that email will continued to be our main means of communication.

Please make sure to bring your book tomorrow. As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 3/6/23 Plans

Good evening everyone,

Well nature threw a curve ball at us on Friday and it ended up cutting our weekend a bit short. However, we came out swinging on Saturday which ended up being a very well organized event that opened the doors to 3 new Scouts as part of our annual Crossover weekend. Troop 275 welcomes Joshua, Cayden, and Ben. We look forward to seeing them grow in their journey. Thank you everyone who participated this weekend to give these Scouts such a warm welcome.

Our next campout is Spring Camporee which is going to be held at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC (same place we just had our Polar Bear event). Just like Polar Bear, Spring Camporee is another competitive event against other troops (just with warmer weather). The theme this year is “Patrol Site Bragging Rights & Games Galore”. The short version of this is that participating Troops are encouraged to work on camp gadgets, well-pitched and organized tents, safe and clean kitchens, artistic patrol flags, and well-constructed, innovative gateways after which we will have Scout activities, including some shooting sports, outdoor fun and classic Scout games. More details and information about the camporee will be published closer to the event. The cost is $35.

Tomorrow we will be doing a cooking event with Ms. Vicky which is a great follow up to the grubmaster exercise we had this past weekend thanks to Cannon, Andrew, and Jackson M. Lets look at what else is coming up:

1. Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be this upcoming Saturday. Sign up sheet is up at the Scout Hut and it’s looking very weak. PLEASE SIGN UP TOMORROW so we can start things off on the right foot. These are hard to come by service hours and everyone is in need of it.
2. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting payments. At this point everyone should be aware of the final amount they’re responsible for. The 2nd payment was due last week. The final payment (or full balance) is due on March 30th. After March 30th there’s a late fee that will be issue by the campsite which you will be responsible for.
3. The March Committee Meeting is this Tuesday at 7pm. All Scouts that are ready for rank advancement should have a Scoutmaster conference by no later than tomorrow. As of right now I am only aware of 2 Scouts that should be doing this and they are Cannon and Carson B. If you’re also ready for rank up, please go to our site to download the correct form and bring it completely filled out tomorrow:
4. Whether you’re going to SEALS, NYLT, Clemson, Spring Camporee, or Summer Camp, please make sure your medical form is up-to-date. Note that parts A, B1, and B2 are needed for only weekend events, where as the full form is needed for Summer Camp. See the site above for the form.
5. Our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be from April 7th to April 8th. Great way to add money to your Scout Account. Details and tickets will be release later on.
6. As mentioned above, our next campout is Spring Camporee which will be from April 14th to the 16th. Sign up sheet will be up tomorrow as well. Payment is $35.
7. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you place your vote.
8. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date.

Please come ready tomorrow to sign up for this Saturday’s Roadside Cleanup (families are welcome to participate as well). As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 2/27/23 Plans

Good evening everyone,

Hope everyone has enjoyed the long break. As stated in last week’s email, now that we’re getting back into the rhythm of things, we have A LOT to quickly address particularly for our upcoming 2 events (Crossover and Roadside cleanup) which all needs to be squared off by tomorrow night.

In preparation for Crossover we have the following going on this week:
1. Tomorrow we will be welcoming in the upcoming Arrow of Lights for a joint activity with the Troop as we work on outdoor skills.
2. Tomorrow we will also be collecting the $15 for each Scout that is participating at Crossover.
3. Tomorrow we are also assigning work stations for the Crossover activities. If you’re not present, a station will be assign to you. I will not take email or text request for this because in-person planning goes into this.
4. While the activities are happening, some of the adult leaders will work on making sure we have some proper sticks/poles for the Crossover bridge. If you’re able to come early and scan the woods, that would be great.
5. I have emailed 3 Scouts about taking on a grubmaster role to do patrol cooking. Only 2 have responded back. You will need to be at the meeting tomorrow to discuss meal plans and budget. If you’re not present, I will have to pass the opportunity to the next person in line.
6. Crossover starts Friday night at 6:30pm until Sunday at 9am.

Looking ahead:
1. Crossover weekend is this upcoming Friday and will run until Sunday morning. I will send my typical pre-event email on Wednesday. The cost is $15 per Scout which will cover the meals. PAYMENT IS DUE TOMORROW.
2. Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be on March 11th. Sign up sheet is looking very weak. PLEASE SIGN UP TOMORROW.
3. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting payments. At this point everyone should be aware of the final amount they’re responsible for. You’re welcome to make a 2nd payment of $100 next week or pay the remaining full balance by March 20th.
4. As stated in past emails, I shared with you all 3 merit badge opportunities. Be strategic about your choices and feel free to reach out to me if you need suggestions. I will still like to know who has register for Clemson.
5. As you’re preparing for summer camp. Keep in mind to update your FULL medical form AND provide me with your dietary and allergies form which were included in my previous email 3 weeks ago.
6. Everyone please pay close attention to the annual calendar as there are 2 events for later in the year that are new. One is a baseball game/camping event in Kannapolis and the other is a camping event at Patriots Point in Charleston. Please start having discussions about whether you’re attending or not because I will soon be asking for payment and these are non-refundable events. Details will be release soon. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT YET.
7. Recently I promoted a fishing event called the Complete Angler Weekend in which Scouts who love fishing get to do the 3 fishing merit badges. The event will run from May 5th to May 7th in Foster Park Lake in Union, SC for $25. At this point, I have 3 Scouts and 2 leaders that will be attending. The event is limited to 12 Scouts from our entire council and right now there are 7 spots open. I will suspect that this will get filled up this week since the registration just opened up. If you’re interested, please reply ASAP and provide me with your payment TOMORROW.
8. Recently a selected number of you received an email invitation for one of two leadership programs in Scouting named SEALS and NYLT. The qualifications for this are based on age, rank, and number of camping nights. If you didn’t get that email, don’t worry about it, it just means that you’re not eligible this year. However, for those that did, please refer to the email your received where you will find all the details on how to register. Please act fast on it as these event fill up rather quickly.

Again, payment for Crossover is due TOMORROW and please sign up for Roadside Cleanup. As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 2/20 NO MEETING

Good evening everyone and Happy Presidents Day!!

As we enter this holiday in which we celebrate past and present leaders of this great nation we live in, here are 10 interesting facts to think about:

1. Theodore Roosevelt was an early advocate of Scouting and served on a troop committee and as a council commissioner.
2. Seven U.S. presidents, starting with Harry Truman, have attended National Scouting jamborees.
3. The first president to be a Scout as a youth was John F. Kennedy, who reached the rank of Star. Three other U.S. presidents that were Cub Scouts in their youth were George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.
4. Gerald Ford is the only U.S. president to attain the rank of Eagle Scout.
5. Jimmy Carter was a Scoutmaster and Explorer advisor during the time his three sons were Scouts. His wife, Rosalynn, was also active as a Den Mother and Cubmaster.
6. Franklin Roosevelt was president of the Greater New York Councils and was instrumental in the purchase of a New York area Scout camp.
7. Dwight Eisenhower served as a member, then president of the BSA National Executive Board before he was elected the nation’s president.
8. Lyndon Johnson, as a member of an Exploring committee in Washington, DC, helped organize an Explorer post in the city, chartered by page boys of the House of Representatives.
9. Ronald Reagan was active in Scouting as a council advisory board member and by chairing a special project and a membership drive. He was awarded Scouting’s Silver Beaver Award for Distinguished Service.
10. When Gerald Ford died in 2006, 400 Eagle Scouts took part in his funeral, some as an honor guard, others as ushers.

As you ponder on this, please know that we will NOT be having a Troop meeting tomorrow. However, what this means is that when we come back, it is full speed ahead with our 2 upcoming events which are Crossover and Roadside cleanup.

Looking ahead:

1. Our next camping event is Crossover which will be held at the back of the Scout Hut from March 3rd to March 5th. The cost is $15 per Scout which will cover the meals. At this point only 12 Scouts have signed up and only 2 out of those 12 have paid.
2. Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be on March 11th.
3. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting payments. At this point everyone should be aware of the final amount they’re responsible for. You’re welcome to make a 2nd payment of $100 next week or pay the remaining full balance by March 20th.
4. As stated in past emails, I shared with you all 3 merit badge opportunities. Be strategic about your choices and feel free to reach out to me if you need suggestions. I will like to know who has register for Clemson.
5. As you’re preparing for summer camp. Keep in mind to update your FULL medical form AND provide me with your dietary and allergies form which were included in my previous email 2 weeks ago.
6. Everyone please pay close attention to the annual calendar as there are 2 events for later in the year that are new. One is a baseball game/camping event in Kannapolis and the other is a camping event at Patriots Point in Charleston. Please start having discussions about whether you’re attending or not because I will soon be asking for payment and these are non-refundable events. Details will be release soon. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT YET.

Again, there’s NO MEETING tomorrow. Feel free to reach out to Mr. Otto at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720.

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Monday 2/13/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

Today is Super Bowl LVII which shows how true teamwork can lead to great things. Now what makes a good team? Communication, reliability and commitment, diversity, leadership, and organization (just to name a few). If that sounds familiar to you, it should because on February 8th, 1910 the Boy Scouts was founded and today (113 year later) it stands strong with over 110 million members worldwide learning these exact same values. Happy anniversary to one of the longest standing youth organization standing strong today.

Speaking of things to celebrate, at last week’s committee meeting, we recognized 2 Scouts for going up on the ranks. With that being said, I want to take the opportunity to congratulate Stephen Ganshert for reaching the rank of First Class and Gus Schlesier for reaching the rank of Tenderfoot.

Moving to our usual business, tomorrow we will be going over rank advancements and we will have a Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meeting. All Patrol leaders need to come ready with ideas, these meetings should last no more than 15 minutes if every Scout understands their role. As for the rest of the Scouts, the younger ones need to come ready with their books to review where they stand in their ranks. The other Scouts need to come ready to help the younger Scouts AND discuss where they are in their journey. Any Scout that forgets their book, will need to call their parents to bring it over. A Scout should NEVER leave their book behind.

As we look forward to other events:

1. Tomorrow all unsold camping cards and monies collected for Scouting Adventure cards are due. Please note that the Troop will pay a fee for not returning the unsold cards.
2. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting monies for super camp. Later today I will send an email out to all those that register, with the final amount which will include merit badge fees.
3. March is quickly coming and that means that we need participants for upcoming events for which we have sign up sheets up at the Scout Hut:
– Our next camping event is Crossover which will be held at the back of the Scout Hut from March 3rd to March 5th. The cost is $15 per Scout which will cover the meals.
– Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be on March 11th.
4. I recently notified Scouts that were eligible for NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) about registering for the 2 weekend event. If you didn’t get an email, then you’re not eligible this year. Those that did, please act quickly in registering because it does will up fast.
5. Remember that I shared with you all 3 merit badge opportunities. Be strategic about your choices and feel free to reach out to me if you need suggestions.
6. As you’re preparing for summer camp. Keep in mind to update your FULL medical form AND provide me with your dietary and allergies form which were included in last week’s email.
7. Monday February 20th is President’s day. There will be no troop meeting.

Again, please come tomorrow with your Scout Book as well as the Scouting Adventure money and unsold cards. Feel free to reach out to Mr. Otto at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

Monday 12/5/22

Good morning everyone,

You would think that we would be slowing down with the end of the year just around the corner, but we had yet another busy weekend:
– Roadside Cleanup: I want to thank everyone who came out to help maintain our roads clean. We collected 32 bags of trash, 3 bags of cans, and a couple of miscellaneous and automotive parts.
– Join effort between the pack and the troop in delivering popcorn to Indian Land High School to recognize Teachers “Heroes” of Lancaster County School District was also held this past Saturday.
– As part of our previous weeks efforts to run the 50/50 raffle fundraiser, we were at the annual Charlotte Rifle & Pistol Club holiday party last night where we drew the winning ticket. The winner earned himself $750. As a result of your efforts the troop also earned $750 and the club donated an additional $500 for a total of $1250 which is a HUGE win. Thank you all for the hard work, these are critical funds needed for troop plans we have in place for 2023.

I also want to thank everyone for acting so quickly to bring our recharter efforts to a close. I am super grateful to you all.

Looking ahead:

1. Tomorrow we will be working on flag rehearsals. I also encourage anyone who is up for review to come ready with their Scoutmaster sheet.
2. Our last committee meeting of the year will be this upcoming Tuesday at 7pm. Anyone who is up for rank advancement should be present in full updated uniform, updated sash, and their book handy.
3. Next Saturday is our joint effort with Pack 275 to participate at the Indian Land Christmas Parade. Sign up sheet is VERY LOW and we’re hoping to make a strong presence as a means to thank everyone in our community for their support.
4. Troop 275’s annual Christmas party will be on Monday, December 19th. As in past years, Leaders and Scouts will be doing a white elephant gift exchange for which we have only 2 guidelines for those who wish to participate:
a) Gift should be no more than $20.
b) We encourage everyone to put some thought into the gift, but for those who insist on giving out candy, we ask that no more than 50% of the gift is compose of candy and the other 50% is something else. Creativity goes a long way.
5. The 2023 Polar Bear dates have been set for 1/13 thru 1/15 in Gaffney, SC. The cost is $22 per Scout. The theme will be a sled competition and we will be making this a backpacking trip. Sign up sheet is up on our board as well, deadline is 12/19. Note that registration for this will close during the holidays. NO EXCEPTIONS.
6. First fundraiser of 2023 is already on the works as we’re looking forward to selling camping cards. Details to come.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720 if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday Plans 10/17/22

Good morning everyone,

I think this weekend we may have had a first for the troop as we were participating in 3 events: Clemson University’s Fall Merit Badge Day, Leader’s BSA required training over at GOLS, and weekend camp out at the annual Railroad merit badge event in the N.C. Museum of Transportation. Thank you all for the hard work.

Now with everything that we have done lately, I think it’s only fair that we evaluate where we are at in terms of our individual Scout journeys. That is why tomorrow we will be going over each Scoutbook and address everyone’s progress while also taking notes to bring our electronic records up-to-date. Now for this to happen, ALL Scouts must do 1 thing…BRING YOUR SCOUTBOOK WITH YOU. That simple.

Lets look ahead because we still have more events coming up:
1. This upcoming Thursday, I will be taking a few Scouts to Duke Energy’s EnergyExplorium for the Nuclear Science merit badge. Please have your THREE (3) models ready. A separate email will go out later in the week on transportation.
2. Popcorn take order sheets and payments are due on Monday 10/24.
3. October 29th is our annual Haunted Trail event. We ask all Scouts AND Leaders to come help set up in the morning and then return at night to give the Troop & Pack families a howling experience. Sign-up sheet is up at the Scout Hut with 2 columns: one for set up and another for the night event.
4. There will be no troop meeting on Monday 10/31. So if you are working on ranking up, you need to have a Scoutmaster conference by no later than 10/24.
5. The Brunswick Stew fundraiser is from November 4th to the 5th; sign-up sheet to participate is up at the Scout Hut. So far we have sign ups for 70% of all the meats we need and are in critical need of several more meat donations, please refer to the link below to mark off your donation(s):
6. The Warbirds Over Monroe Air Show tickets are still on sale. Interested families that want to join us for the November 12th event, please purchase your tickets here:
7. Nolan Reid’s Eagle project at Indian Land Elementary School is schedule for Sunday November 13th. Sign-up sheet is also up at the Scout Hut.
8. Webelos weekend is November 19th, participating Scouts should be practicing their knots and lashes in preparation for this event.
9. As stated earlier this week, we have a new fundraising opportunity with the Charlotte Rifle & Pistol Club which requires us to put in some time over the next 7 weekends to help bring an additional source of income for the Troop which will help with our annual expenses. Currently, I have only 15% Scout participation. Folks, I can’t emphasize enough just how important this is for us as an organization that is 100% ran by volunteers. Our first weekend for this event is coming up and we are 4 Scouts short as we need 2 for each timeslot to make this work. Please find some time to sign up and help us out.

As always, you can reach out to me at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720 if you have any questions or concerns. I will see you all tomorrow.

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