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Polar Bear Campout

The Polar Bear Camp out is coming up soon–Jan 16-18, 2015.  Scouts should meet at the scout hut no later than 5:00 pm with a bag dinner or money to buy dinner on the road.  Cost of the camp out is $25.  Shotgun shooting is additional-$1 per shot. Pack warmly–be prepared.

2015 Polar Bear Flyer

2014 Howard Hunter Super Scouter Award

Great Job to the Scouts an Adults who have completed the requirements for the 2014 Howard Hunter Award

Year 1
Jared Collins
Nicolas Dyer
Cooper Lynch
Tommy Maggio
Luke Shannon
Natalie Dyer

Year 2 
Matthew Cook
Coda Fontain-Smith
Ryan Hamill
Andrew Lafollette
James Maggio
Joe Lafollette
Vickie Maggio
Jeff Shannon
Dave Wiltsie

Year 3
Levi Huggins
Mike Cummins
Gary Smith

Year 4
Jack Boggs
Savanna Laney
Scott Huggins

Year 6
Matthew Zoglman
Dave Zoglman

Year 9
Jamie Laney

Year 10
J.P. Burt

Matthew Zoglman Eagle Project

Please be reminded of Matthew Zoglman’s Eagle project tomorrow (Saturday, Nov 15) morning at 9:00 at the scout hut.  Bundle up and bring rakes and/or shovels if you have them.   Gloves will be provided.  All help will be greatly appreciated.

2015 Recharter Information

Registration fees for BSA Troop 275 is now being accepted for the 2015 season. Total amount due for each scout will be $50.00 and will be due no later than November 24, 2014 in order for scouts to be registered. Below is the breakdown of fees.
Registration $24.00
Dues $14.00
Boys Life $12.00 *
Total $50.00
* At least one Boys Life subscription is required per family, If a scout has a sibling in either the Troop, Pack, or Crew, who has paid for a subscription, then that scout does not have to pay for another subscription. That scouts registration fee will be $38.00 Scouts have the option to pay from their scout account provided they have funds available.

The Adult registration fee will be $24.00, The Troop will cover the cost of active leaders only.

Please direct payments, and questions to ASM Jamie Laney




All the orders have been sent to Trails End and we should expect to get our popcorn to deliver around the middle of this month. I’ll let everyone know the exact date and time to come to the Scout Hut for pickup

As for the results – with sales and donations we collected $7,000, $1500 more than last year. Great job Scouts! We had 15 Scouts sell Popcorn this year, with Six Scouts earning the Whitewater Adventure day incentive, two with full ticket awards and four with 1/2 ticket awards.

However, the best part is that we will be putting over $2,700 into Scout accounts based upon individual sales.

Thanks to everyone who has helped this years program be a big success.

Joe Lafollette
Ast Scout Master (or The Popcorn Kernel)

Thank you for a great Stew!

Thank you to all those that donated for this years stew and those that came to work. The event was a great success despite the weather.

Updated stew needs

As of today ,we have all of the canned vegetables, Pork, Butter, Canned Milk and Tomato Juice. We still need 24.5 lbs. of Beef, 14 lbs. of Chicken and 5 lbs. of fat back.

I will be at the Scout meeting tonight if anyone needs to discuss the needs for the stew.

I appreciate all of the donations!


Dave z.

Brunswick stew ingredients needed

The Brunswick stew is Saturday, Nov 1. The scouts will begin cooking on Friday night, Oct 31. The attached flyer has all the pertinent information. Assistant Scoutmaster Zoglman is gathering together all the ingredients for the stew and is still in need of some items. Here is his email to me of the list of items still needed. Please be sure and let him know what you are contributing.

30 lbs. of Beef, 16 lbs. of Pork, 12 lbs. of Chicken, 10 lbs. of Fat Back, 8 lbs. of Butter, 10 cans of evaporated milk, 2 gallons Tomato Juice, 12 #10 cans of Whole Kernel Corn, 12 #10 cans of Diced Tomatoes.

It takes a great deal of ingredients to make 100 gallons of stew and we rely on donations to make it happen. If a person prefers not to cook the meat items we need they can help by donating the other food items. Time is approaching and We need to get commitments for the items that I have listed in order to make this a success. Anyone that has questions or donations can feel free to contact me by e-mail, phone call or in person this Monday night.

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