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Monday 4/3/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break. Whether you’re going somewhere or just staying locally, please be safe and respectful in what you do. Now for those of you that are available to come to tomorrow’s meeting, we’re having a Scout game night. Please bring any card games or board games of your choice and lets have ourselves a night of fun. For those of you that play UNO, UNO has confirmed this week that +4 and +2 cards CANNOT be stacked; so keep that in mind the next time you play.

Also, for any of you that have additional pork butt tickets, tomorrow is the LAST DAY to submit them along with the payment. We just placed our order for the pork butts this past Friday, but can still make some last minute adjustments to the numbers if any tickets are submitted. So please bring that over TOMORROW.

As we look at ahead at the next couple of months, we have some administrative items that need to be address so that we can be ready for several of our upcoming events. The top 3 items that come to mind are:

1. Medical forms for Scouts and Leaders. As stated in past emails, parts A, B1, and B2 are essential for weekend trips. Part C is needed for Summer Camp. Without an updated form, neither Scout or Leader will be admitted, even if you have paid your registration. I will send a follow up email on this.
2. Clemson Liability form. Also stated in past emails, the Clemson Merit Badge University event is in 2 weeks. You will not be checked in if you do not have your liability form ready. You don’t need to provide it to me, just have it handy when you arrive. I will still like to know who has register for this event.
3. Summer Camp dietary and allergy form. So far only 1 Scout has provided me with this form. This form is for the summer camp staff so that they know what meals to prepare for your Scout and alert their medical staff of any conditions that need to be on standby for.

Finally, let me take this moment to congratulate Tony, Finn, and Stephen for completing their National Youth Leadership Training program (NYLT). This was a 2 weekend event in our GOLS facility over by Glendale, SC. I am very proud of their accomplishments and I look forward to hearing their feedback.

Lets look ahead at what is coming up:

1. As stated above, remaining pork butt tickets and payments need to be submitted TOMORROW.
2. Our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be next weekend from Friday into Saturday. I will send the pre-event email later in the week.
3. Spring Camporee will be at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC from April 14th to the 16th. Registration is now close. Pre-event email will be send next week, but (as a heads up) you can expect the usual communication as in past weekend campouts.
4. Clemson Merit Badge day is happening on April 15th. Please note that you need to bring with you the attached liability form to be checked in and you need to make sure you have done any merit badge prerequisites BEFORE showing up. If you don’t know if you have any prerequisites to work on, please see me.
5. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
6. Joshua Bernal has his Eagle project schedule for April 22nd to the 23rd at Indian Land High School. Sign up sheet is up for anyone that wants to help out.
7. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheet is up as well.
8. As stated in my 3/29 email, we have 2 exciting events coming up with the Kannapolis Cannonballers night and the Patriot’s Point Trip. Sign up sheets for both events will be up. Payment for the baseball game will be due on 5/1.
9. If any Scout is ready to go up in rank, please come ready tomorrow for a Scoutmaster Conference. We will determine tomorrow if the next committee meeting will be this week or next week, given the spring break.

Again, I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break. Enjoy yourselves and come ready to help us out next weekend at our pork butt fundraising event. As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

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