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Monday 3/20/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this weekend and have gone out to sell those pork butt tickets. Tomorrow we’re looking to collect ticket stubs and the corresponding money and will issue out more tickets to all interested Scouts. As a reminder, your Scout’s efforts will help raise money that will go into their Scout account which will help offset any of your cost towards our upcoming activities such as spring camporee, summer camp, and many more. Tomorrow we will also be sorting and cutting up flags in preparation to retire them during our pork butt event.

Now in preparation for our next Court of Honor, this past Monday we asked all Scouts to submit any completed merit badge blue cards, special award forms, and ranking forms by TODAY as our order form needs to go out so we can be ready on time. Anything that I do not receive by TODAY, will be awarded at our 2nd Court of Honor of the year which will be some time around August. (Note that ranking patches will be the exception to the rule).

Lets look ahead at what is coming up:

1. Our first Court of Honor of the year has been schedule for March 27th. Please make sure that I receive any pending paperwork by TODAY.
2. Payment for Summer Camp is due by March 30th. At this point I have 25 Scouts attending and only 6 have fully paid; that’s 24% of our attendees. I know we can do better than that, so please start bringing in your payment because we still have plenty of logistics to address.
3. The second weekend of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is next weekend. Scouts that attended this weekend need to make sure they attend the 2nd weekend in order to get full credit. Also, please bring back your medical forms at the completion of the program.
4. As stated above, our next fundraiser is Pork Butts which will be from April 7th to April 8th. Tickets are being handed out at $40 each for Scouts to distribute. If you want to participate, but do not know who to sell to, we have several Eagle Scouts that are willing to pass on their customers to help out other Scouts. Sign up sheet is up on the board.
5. As recently stated, our next campout is Spring Camporee at Camp Conley Clarke in Gaffney, SC. The dates are from April 14th to the 16th for $35. Payment is due by April 3rd. Sign up sheet is already up.
6. For those that register for the Clemson Merit Badge day, that event is happening on April 15th. Please note that you need to bring with you the attached liability form to be checked in. There are over 150 Scouts attending this event, so please come prepare and make sure you have done any merit badge prerequisites BEFORE showing up.
7. Order of the Arrow elections are schedule for April 17th. Please make sure you’re in attendance so that you can place your vote.
8. Joshua Bernal just announced this past week that his Eagle project will be at Indian Land High School from April 23rd to the 24th. Sign up sheet will be up tomorrow for anyone that wants to help out.
9. April 29th we have a dual Eagle ceremony for Drew and Nolan at Andrew Jackson State Park. Details to come as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheet will be up tomorrow as well.

So why did we have such a light month of Scouting activities for the month of March? Well I hope you can all see that it is because we have A LOT coming up. In some cases, there is an overlap so each Scout needs to be strategic about which events to participate in.

As always, please reach out to Mr. Otto with any questions at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

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