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Monday 2/20 NO MEETING

Good evening everyone and Happy Presidents Day!!

As we enter this holiday in which we celebrate past and present leaders of this great nation we live in, here are 10 interesting facts to think about:

1. Theodore Roosevelt was an early advocate of Scouting and served on a troop committee and as a council commissioner.
2. Seven U.S. presidents, starting with Harry Truman, have attended National Scouting jamborees.
3. The first president to be a Scout as a youth was John F. Kennedy, who reached the rank of Star. Three other U.S. presidents that were Cub Scouts in their youth were George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.
4. Gerald Ford is the only U.S. president to attain the rank of Eagle Scout.
5. Jimmy Carter was a Scoutmaster and Explorer advisor during the time his three sons were Scouts. His wife, Rosalynn, was also active as a Den Mother and Cubmaster.
6. Franklin Roosevelt was president of the Greater New York Councils and was instrumental in the purchase of a New York area Scout camp.
7. Dwight Eisenhower served as a member, then president of the BSA National Executive Board before he was elected the nation’s president.
8. Lyndon Johnson, as a member of an Exploring committee in Washington, DC, helped organize an Explorer post in the city, chartered by page boys of the House of Representatives.
9. Ronald Reagan was active in Scouting as a council advisory board member and by chairing a special project and a membership drive. He was awarded Scouting’s Silver Beaver Award for Distinguished Service.
10. When Gerald Ford died in 2006, 400 Eagle Scouts took part in his funeral, some as an honor guard, others as ushers.

As you ponder on this, please know that we will NOT be having a Troop meeting tomorrow. However, what this means is that when we come back, it is full speed ahead with our 2 upcoming events which are Crossover and Roadside cleanup.

Looking ahead:

1. Our next camping event is Crossover which will be held at the back of the Scout Hut from March 3rd to March 5th. The cost is $15 per Scout which will cover the meals. At this point only 12 Scouts have signed up and only 2 out of those 12 have paid.
2. Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be on March 11th.
3. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting payments. At this point everyone should be aware of the final amount they’re responsible for. You’re welcome to make a 2nd payment of $100 next week or pay the remaining full balance by March 20th.
4. As stated in past emails, I shared with you all 3 merit badge opportunities. Be strategic about your choices and feel free to reach out to me if you need suggestions. I will like to know who has register for Clemson.
5. As you’re preparing for summer camp. Keep in mind to update your FULL medical form AND provide me with your dietary and allergies form which were included in my previous email 2 weeks ago.
6. Everyone please pay close attention to the annual calendar as there are 2 events for later in the year that are new. One is a baseball game/camping event in Kannapolis and the other is a camping event at Patriots Point in Charleston. Please start having discussions about whether you’re attending or not because I will soon be asking for payment and these are non-refundable events. Details will be release soon. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT YET.

Again, there’s NO MEETING tomorrow. Feel free to reach out to Mr. Otto at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720.

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