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Monday 2/13/23 Plans

Good morning everyone,

Today is Super Bowl LVII which shows how true teamwork can lead to great things. Now what makes a good team? Communication, reliability and commitment, diversity, leadership, and organization (just to name a few). If that sounds familiar to you, it should because on February 8th, 1910 the Boy Scouts was founded and today (113 year later) it stands strong with over 110 million members worldwide learning these exact same values. Happy anniversary to one of the longest standing youth organization standing strong today.

Speaking of things to celebrate, at last week’s committee meeting, we recognized 2 Scouts for going up on the ranks. With that being said, I want to take the opportunity to congratulate Stephen Ganshert for reaching the rank of First Class and Gus Schlesier for reaching the rank of Tenderfoot.

Moving to our usual business, tomorrow we will be going over rank advancements and we will have a Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meeting. All Patrol leaders need to come ready with ideas, these meetings should last no more than 15 minutes if every Scout understands their role. As for the rest of the Scouts, the younger ones need to come ready with their books to review where they stand in their ranks. The other Scouts need to come ready to help the younger Scouts AND discuss where they are in their journey. Any Scout that forgets their book, will need to call their parents to bring it over. A Scout should NEVER leave their book behind.

As we look forward to other events:

1. Tomorrow all unsold camping cards and monies collected for Scouting Adventure cards are due. Please note that the Troop will pay a fee for not returning the unsold cards.
2. Summer camp registration is still open AND I am still collecting monies for super camp. Later today I will send an email out to all those that register, with the final amount which will include merit badge fees.
3. March is quickly coming and that means that we need participants for upcoming events for which we have sign up sheets up at the Scout Hut:
– Our next camping event is Crossover which will be held at the back of the Scout Hut from March 3rd to March 5th. The cost is $15 per Scout which will cover the meals.
– Our first roadside cleanup of the year will be on March 11th.
4. I recently notified Scouts that were eligible for NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) about registering for the 2 weekend event. If you didn’t get an email, then you’re not eligible this year. Those that did, please act quickly in registering because it does will up fast.
5. Remember that I shared with you all 3 merit badge opportunities. Be strategic about your choices and feel free to reach out to me if you need suggestions.
6. As you’re preparing for summer camp. Keep in mind to update your FULL medical form AND provide me with your dietary and allergies form which were included in last week’s email.
7. Monday February 20th is President’s day. There will be no troop meeting.

Again, please come tomorrow with your Scout Book as well as the Scouting Adventure money and unsold cards. Feel free to reach out to Mr. Otto at [email protected] or (917) 856-1720. I will see you all tomorrow.

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