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Bahamas Trip Update

It’s mid-January and our high adventure trip is about 6 months away. Per the payment schedule, you were to have $900 paid toward the trip by year end. We need to have everyone paid up in full by the end of April. We have already purchased the Airline tickets and will make the final payment to the boat in April.

Please check to make sure you are up to date with the payments, thank you for your attention to this matter.

We will have a meeting soon to discuss any questions you may have and just give you helpful information.

Remember, passports are required for this trip. If applying for passport for the first time it can take many months to get one, so do not wait to start the process.

All popcorn sales commissions have been added to your Scout Account and you will have one more opportunity to earn money with the Boston Butt sale in April at Easter.

If you have any questions, please let me know

Gary Smith (803)548-4307

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